

The most humble person I have ever met is without a doubt the Italian stallion…DJ Blue. Combine this with the fact that he has deep-rooted passion for music…


Freddie Joachim (JO-AH-KIM) collected some remixes and songs he had lying around and so “The Joachim Remixes” Vol. 5 was born. We already had some of the material…


I know some of you’ve been missing our Slept on Sundays a lot. In the future we’ll be trying our best to maintain the focus on providing you…


In late 2006/early 2007, Yukimi Nagano was still a fairly unknown vocalist from Sweden. Little Dragon didn’t exist yet, at least not to the public, and Yukimi was…


Last year Trackademicks dropped his [Re]Mixtape Vol. 3 which included his take on Little Dragon‘s “After The Rain”. Apparently the band liked it so much they commissioned him…


AFTA-1 did it again. For GAS’D he put together a mix full of ▲❍▼❏ and you’re a fool if you don’t download this beautiful collection of moments right…


We posted the stream last week, because previously this AFTA-1‘s remix was exclusively available on, “Cotton : Drum”, the FREE promo CDR included in every GAS’D purchase. Because…


First track is the Little Dragon – Fortune Remix from AFTA-1, which you can only get by supporting Gas’d and buying a ▲❍▼❏ tee at the Gas’d store…


Finally after his 2004 Soundtrack For Sunrise release, Gabriel Reyes-Whittaker (aka GB) returns with a free EP. Now it might not come close to his last album (not counting that…