

Those who have been following us for a while, might remember Faraji Heritage Experiment‘s “A/R/T” project from 2012. The Bandcamp demo was a mere taste of greater things to…


You might remember Faraji Heritage Experiment‘s “A/R/T” project from last year. Well he has just set out this new freebie Funk jam entitled “Callin’” and we thought some…


Everything seems connected at times don’t it? Just a few weeks ago I sold a record (online) to the one and only Pete Rock and today I come…


A nice surprise from Morocco’s Faraji ibn Hussein in my inbox about his brand new project “Faraji Heritage Experiment – ART“. The spirit of this project is to…


The vision for AFTA-1‘s latest “F O R M” release, was to transcend the idea of being a “producer” and really any title that we as creators limit…